πŸ—’οΈImplementing a Simple Linked List in C++ with Manual Memory Management
| 2024-10-7
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Below is a C++ implementation of a basic singly linked list.

The Code


This C++ code implements a simple linked list using arrays to manage node values and pointers.
  1. Initialization (initializeList):
      • The headIndex variable keeps track of the head of the list, initially set to 1 to indicate an empty list.
      • currentIndex is used to keep track of the next available index for new nodes.
      • nextIndex is an array that simulates the "next" pointers for each node. We initialize all values to 1 to indicate no subsequent nodes.
  1. Adding Nodes:
      • addToHead(int value): Adds a new value at the beginning of the linked list. This is done by assigning the value to the values array and updating the next pointer to point to the previous head.
      • addAfter(int index, int value): Adds a new value after the specified index. This requires checking that the given index is valid and updating the next pointers accordingly.
  1. Removing Nodes:
      • removeAfter(int index): Deletes the node that comes immediately after the given index by adjusting the next pointer of the current node to skip the next node. If the next pointer is 1, it means there is no node to remove.
  1. Displaying the Linked List (displayList):
      • Iterates through the linked list starting from the head and prints each value. This function handles the case of an empty list by checking if headIndex is 1.
  • C/C++
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